Launching the rent-a-tubelight model..!

At Urja Unlimited, we are now in the midst of a major revamp, wherein we want to expose more hawkers to the benefits of LED lighting. In a sense, they will leapfrog the energy efficiency revolution moving directly from Petromax and Fossil Fuel based lighting solutions to LED technology – which as urban residents many of us cannot access readily in marketplaces, or find expensive to install in our homes.

The daily rental model allows certain hawkers, who have been stationed at a particular place for a long time, to avail of solar based lighting through LED, and meet illumination needs. The lumen output is above 200 lumens, and the lux is higher than 10 lux since the light is not installed more than 2-2.5 ft away from the shelf level.

Before launch, we though of several issues – what if the hawkers run away, what if they dont pay – and then sanity prevailed – it is highly improbable for ALL the hawkers to run away, for so LITTLE an amount – but there is potential to do such a lot of good work.. and it is therefore important to disseminate and provide awareness in the market. Wouldnt it be great, to see many – perhaps thousands, millions of hawkers using solar lighting and LED tubelights – would it be a new market phenomenon, have there been case studies of marketing success around hawkers introducing a new product like this, would certain urban consumers turn green when they see fancy LED tubelights at the local paanshop ! – I am not sure, but lets give it a shot .. what say ?

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