We have now launched the village entrepreneurship program that has started to yeild the right results. The program launched under the Urja Unnati banner, seeks to empower 1000 energy entrepreneurs who can further build awareness around clean energy technologies, and the possibilities in villages and rural India. The program seeks to provide a livelihood opportunity to the young village entrepreneur who wants to move ahead, and can get people around to move ahead. We saw this spark in a young man in Seekhri village and he is now running the mantle for dispensing clean solar powered technology in his area. I am sure there are many others, who are bright and young minds, and want to move ahead.. we seek your help in getting in touch with such people – they may be located in villages, cities, towns that you are located in – they may be your maid’s cleaning ladies’ nephew, (or uncle !) and you could meet that person at any corner.. do your bit, help these people come up – and we shall help them to get the right training and awareness about the opportunity.. there is a lot of satisfaction that comes by, while providing livelihood options to the needy…!

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