With the New Delhi government bringing out the new solar policy for Delhi, it may be indeed good times for the building owners and residents. We try and bring out the various perspectives and elements here, and help consumers make a choice for themselves.
Who can install solar ?
All residential and commercial rooftop owners are eligible to install solar panels on rooftop. Infact, the government has also identified certain govt offices and buildings, where solar panels can provide electricity. For most government owned buildings and campuses, it is mandatory to install solar PV
panels on rooftop, to off set some of the electricity load and generate partly via solar power.
panels on rooftop, to off set some of the electricity load and generate partly via solar power.
Subsidies are however, only available for residential and non profits, for installing solar panels. 30% subsidy on the amount spent on PV plant is available for such owners. Since many schools and educational institutions are run by non profits and societies, these qualify for installing and getting subsidy benefits
How expensive is it going to be ?
It entirely depends on the size of the plant. For a 10 KWp solar PV plant, approximate costs range around Rs. 4,50,000/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- again depending on the location, site layout, floor on which this is installed, rooftype and type of equipment used. There may be some additional charges for net metering and liaison with the utility agency. For larger plants, such as 50-75 KWp, the solar PV plant shall be lesser if calculated on a per KWp basis. There are further economies, as the size of the plant increases. For a 100 KWp solar PV plant, the costs shall be around Rs. 40-41,00,000/- approximately.
Various steps involved in the process ?
Once you have decided to install a solar PV plant, call up an EPC or a solar installer like Urja Unlimited, and get a site survey done. This is a technical process, that involves measurement of the site, and ensuring that right sun conditions exist for a solar PV plant to be sited. Technical staff shall ensure that the exact steps and project management can ensure that correct design inputs are provided in the initial stage itself. If mounting structures have to be differently designed, this survey can help a lot.
The design is created and a system sizing with simulation gets done to estimate generation. If this is acceptable, the procurement is done basis the design, by the supplier company like Urja Unlimited or any other good quality provider of solar PV systems. The installation process takes almost a fortnight, depending on size of the plant and required clearances on site. For private homes, the process can be quicker.
Alright, I am interested – what do I do next ?
If you are set, and already thinking of installing a solar PV plant and saving money, do send in an email to contact@urjaunlimited.in and get your site survey scheduled. Remember, while you save money, you also save the environment, and take your first few steps towards being a Green Citizen ! Don’t wait and contact your nearest Urja Unlimited rep !!