Finally, the movement has begun. We hold regular meetings every Sunday, without fail, for the past almost 6 weeks now.. the group ( to create awareness and spread the green movement around) has begun to widen, and several new faces have turned up till now !
A friend ( and a key member / confidante) has helped take the entire initiative virtual – and created a social network on its own. Through individual efforts, we have also discovered ( by accident) groups willing to fund this. There is a preamble that has been set.. and what I didnt know is that there exists a youth group by the name of ICYN ( indian climate youth network) across India that is doing noteworthy work in this area of conservation.
These seem to be very exciting times. And yes, there is something known as Green Collar Economy. I just heard about the book and have ordered online.. am waiting to get my hands to it. But thats a separate chapter and a different post.